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W O M E N'S  C I R C L E S

A space to connect to our inner nature, to share our joys and worries and to be completely as we are.

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Women of Spring
First Circle Thursday 11th April 2024

As the cherry blossoms unfold their delicate hues,
My soul awakens, immersed in nature's muse.

A spiritual dance with the changing seasons,
Where beauty blooms for countless reasons.

Each petal whispers secrets of divine creation,
A kaleidoscope of colors, a heavenly sensation.

My spirit dances in rhythm with the earth,
As my soul finds solace in nature's rebirth.

~ Mary Oliver ~

Sisters, mothers, girlfriends, wives, maidens, daughters and grandmothers... I invite you to join me in circle, to drink tea, to share our worries and joys, to meditate, to sing and at times, to delve deep within and work through our challenges together. The circles also include a short healing gong bath at the end.


This women's circle will be a 12ish week journey/five circles together. 


As we traverse the seasons of nature we will also traverse the seasons within ourselves. Each circle will reflect this and be in tune with the cyclical energies that we experience.




Mostly, Spring has a joyful energy. Everything is coming alive. Nature is waking up & being reborn. The same thing is happening within you. Your spirit is coming alive with hopeful, excited energy. Parts of you are being reborn & awakening in ways they never have before. Spring represents a new day; it’s dawn in the wheel of the year. A new sun is rising. Life is waking up in the warm sunlight & your spirit feels ready to make a fresh start.


We do however have to be careful with our energy as we welcome Spring into our lives. We are moving from Winter, a time of inward reflection, privacy, hibernation, to a place of effortless exposure (Summer). Rather than letting go, as we do in Winter and Summer, the challenge is to 'hold the tension' and not splurge all the energy you feel in your spirit at once. We are vulnerable as we enter Spring and we have to learn to hold and pace our vulnerability in a society that is so driven. We have to mother our tender selves gently back into the world, with grace, so we don't get overwhelmed and burnt out. 


It is a time to keep our cards close to our chest, despite the fact we could be bursting at the seams with ideas, it is not yet time to reveal them, they need time to grow and strengthen within you and so together we will learn how to truly bloom, in alignment with our nature.



SPRING THEMES that we will explore;


• BALANCE - Our ability to move tenderly, to not let our wilful power take over too soon, to contain the stillness of Winter whilst we re-awaken.


• EXPLORE - How will you show up in the World in alignment with your truth. What does that look like for you? Exploring the ways in which we want to be, getting to know ourselves on a deeper level.


• PLAY - What do you want to create? How can you play more? The spirit of play invites you to let yourself soften into this youthfulness without care for outcome, what do you want to do just for the fun of it?


• GROWTH - Discovering the parts of yourself that need more nurture. What is needing strength at this time? What do you need to give attention and support to? In a way one would nurture a germinating seed.


• BLOOM - Allowing yourself to dream impossible dreams without reason getting in the way. How would life look for you if you could BLOOM into the life your soul truly desires? Emphasis on the SOUL!



SPRING CIRCLE DATES - 19:00 - 20:30


- 11th April

- 25th April

- 9th May

- 22nd May

- 6th June


This will be a closed, cosy circle of 8 women (including myself), to allow us to build trust and to know that for that season we will be held. Of course life happens and if you cannot attend one week that is absolutely fine. I will also set up a Whatsapp group for our circle so we can continue to support one another when needed.


This will be a £45 energy exchange.


The circles will be held in Stroud and the location will be given to you the week before the circle or you can contact me if you'd like to know beforehand.


It’s of high importance that when attending this circle that everything spoken about is kept within the circle. Sharing with each other in complete confidence and having the ability to trust each other is a beautiful thing and can be so powerful and healing, but the breaking of that trust can be damaging, so let’s keep our sisterhood completely sacred in that way.


We will have an altar so please bring something special you would like to add to it each time you attend.


I look forward to meeting you all, as you are.


Much love,
Lauren xxx

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