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M O T H E R' S 

Come and be with other mother's, share your heart and re-connect with yourself, re-discovering what YOU want!

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First Mother's Morning - Tuesday 26th September 2023
10am - 11:30am

Be a full person. Motherhood is a glorious gift, but do not define yourself solely by motherhood. Be a full person. Your child will benefit from that."

~ Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie~

Motherhood is one hell/heaven of a journey. There are so many challenges and fears and joys, so many changes, you get used to one thing then on to the next. My daughter is starting school in September and I'm not sure how I feel about it. I feel excited for her but also apprehensive, how will she adjust? How will I adjust? It's a huge transition from being a full time mum (just about), to being a mum who also does other things, but what are those other things?


I have been lucky with my work with women for the past year and a half but I have been through so many periods of not really knowing who I am anymore and this feels like the next stage of that, the next stage of growth. I've also had many moments of feeling alone and that I just want some time to chat to other mums about the challenges and beauty of motherhood. I want to bring back the village and create a community where we can support one another, inspire one another and just be with one another. So, in preparation, I am opening up a regular space for mums, a space where we can connect with each other and ourselves, a space to share what we are going through, the highs and the lows and a space to figure out what we need in order to be the most whole versions of ourselves we can be.


We will;

~ Have a welcome circle and tea.

~ Share what's present with us.

~ Get creative and do some art journalling.

There will only be 6 spaces for each 4 week block. Babies in arms welcome. 

The energy exchange for this will be £30 (plus admin fee) and will be inclusive of tea & nibbles. I will also provide all materials for art journalling.

The dates for the first block of Mother's Mornings will be;

26th September

3rd October

10th October

17th October

Please bring;

~ An art journal

~ Any materials you want for journalling

~ Your lovely self


I will send you the location when you book a space. It will be in Stroud.

It’s of high importance that when attending this space that everything spoken about is kept within the space. Sharing with each other in complete confidence and having the ability to trust each other is a beautiful thing and can be so powerful and healing, but the breaking of that trust can be damaging, so let’s keep our sisterhood completely sacred in that way.


I look forward to meeting you.

Much love,
Lauren xxx

Refunds: You will receive a full refund if you cancel 7 days before the first Mother's Morning or if there is another Mother waiting for a space.

Art work on banner - Kelly's Art for the Soul

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